Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am now Twittering!

I added Twitter to my online presence because SitePointoffered a free ebook on developing websites with CSS to all Twitter followers--offer good for a couple of days only. I had already downloaded and USED the free chapters, so I wanted the whole book!

I doubt that I will twitter daily; maybe even not weekly. but who knows?

I read on one of my networks that a teacher is actually using Twitter to text questions and answers with students in the classroom. That's great if you have IM on your cell phone or if you have a laptop open to get streaming emails, like Gmail provides. Imagine, a friends (followers) IM list like a network's friends email list. Constant updates to and from all on a list with one click of the (enter/send) button.

Businesses are using Twitter to send IM to employees, some social some work-related. Imagine a twitter that says "Employee picnic this Sat, my house, noon, the Boss!" Would you need a separate account to inform customers of the "Customer Appreciation Night: Midnight Sale -- 50% off--Tomorrow Nite. Refreshments. Let's party!" or just to offer selected coupons to Twitter followers?

Twitter me!

bye for now

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